Directly verify

Join the network or integrate the Celestia light node.
Run a nodeIntegrate
What is a light node?

What is a light node?

Light nodes allow anyone to directly verify data availability and interact with Celestia without centralized gateways or RPC providers.

Data availability sampling enables Celestia to securely increase throughput for rollups as new light nodes join the network over time.

Each rollup on Celestia uses a light node to directly publish and retrieve transaction data.

Join the network

Deploy a light node in two commands with Vimana’s on-demand hardware.
Power up a light node in under 3 minutes with Docker.
Start a light node with the command line.

Light nodes for developers

Start light node
How developers can use a Celestia light node for their chain
Publish data
Publish data
Publish transaction data to Celestia’s DA network.
Retrieve data
Retrieve data
Retrieve transaction data from Celestia’s DA network.
Manage Tia wallet
Manage Tia wallet
Generate a Celestia wallet to store Tia and pay for publishing transaction data to Celestia.